2009 Spring Recycling & Collection Event

Saturday, May 2 - 9am to 3pm

Spring Recycling Event at the Woodinville Park & Ride

GET READY FOR SEASONAL CLEANING! Rid your house of those tires, batteries, electronics and even the kitchen sink! The City of Woodinville hosts its annual Recycling Event at the Woodinville Park & Ride, NE 179th Street & 140th Avenue NE, on Saturday, May 2; 9am to 3pm.



PLEASE NOTE THE DO'S, DON'TS AND CHANGES! Please read the following instructions carefully. Some changes have been made to stations. Fees apply for the collection of some materials. For details, call Public Works at 425.489.2700, ext 2240. CASH ONLY accepted for fees.


STATION 1 - TIRES: Bias ply, steel belted, and studded tires accepted. $1.05 charge for each passenger tire(19.5" and smaller). $2.00 charge for each tire on a rim. $5.25 charge for each large truck tire and $10.00 charge for each truck tire on a rim.

STATION 2 - MOTOR OIL, FILTERS & ANTIFREEZE: Motor oil, oil filters, antifreeze, transmission fluid, 2-cycle oil, crankcase oil, kerosene and home heating fuel. Do not mix with other substances.

STATION 3 - BATTERIES: Lead Acid: car, truck, marine, and motorcycle batteries accepted. Household Alkaline: AAAA, AAA, AA, C, D and 9 volt batteries.

STATION 4 - HOUSEHOLD GOODS & CLOTHING: Gently used clothing and textiles and small furniture items in good condition only. Computer monitors, monitors, laptops and TVs will not be accepted at this station during this Special Event. Mattresses and items in need of repair will NOT be accepted.

STATION 5 - REFRIGERATORS, FREEZERS & AIR CONDITIONERS: Refrigerator or freezer ($20 charge). Household air conditioner ($35 charge). Household units only.

STATION 6 - ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT: Copiers, Stereos ($7 charge). DVDs, VCRs, printers, scanners, fax machines, and powers supplies ($5 charge). Telephones and cell phones ($3 charge). Keyboards ($2 charge). Electronic mice (No charge). Computers, monitors, laptops and TVs are no longer collected at our Special Events. We encourage you to visit www.ecyclewashington.org for information on the new E-Waste Law and permanent collection sites in your area.* No commercial units or small household appliances (e.g. blenders, toasters, etc.)

STATION 7 - PROPANE TANKS: Refillable residential tanks, disposable tanks, fire extinguishers, SCUBA tanks and balloon-type tanks.

STATION 8 - APPLIANCES & SCRAP METAL: Auto parts, broken bikes, lawn chairs, stoves, microwaves, barbecues, washers, dryers, iron, steel, aluminum, brass, copper and other ferrous and nonferrous metal. Metals that are insulated, rubber or oil coated, previously or currently contain chemicals, paint, or hazardous materials will NOT be accepted.

STATION 9 - CARDBOARD: Please flatten. No wax coated cardboard please.

STATION 10 - CLEAN WOOD: Includes clean wood, plywood, pallets, and other UNTREATED and UNPAINTED wood. NO peg, particle, or press board.

STATION 11 - BULKY WOOD: Includes tree branches (6" diameter and larger) and logs. NO leaves, grass, small branches, sod or brush. For easy removal, please lay tarp under material.

STATION 12 - PORCELAIN TOILETS & SINKS: Toilet seats, hardware and base wax rings must be removed.

Here's what we will NOT accept:

NO paint, pesticides, solvents and thinners, household chemicals, cleaning products, window glass, garbage, painted wood, plastic toys and plastic hoses, light fixture ballasts, sealed drums, and mattresses.

Paint, pesticides, solvents, thinners, household chemicals and cleaning products can be disposed of through the King County Hazardous Wastemobile.

More details:
No flat beds or dump trucks allowed.

We reserve the right to refuse oversized, commercial, contaminated, excessive or unacceptable loads.


Service provider shall have no obligation to collect any hazardous or other materials that do not conform to the specific descriptions listed above.

Guidelines for this year's event differ from previous events. Please review the instructions carefully.

*On January 1, 2009 the new product stewardship law in Washington went into effect. This law requires manufacturers to provide electronics recycling services at no cost for certain items. These items include televisions, computers, computer monitors, portable or laptop computers. For more details please visit Ecycle Washington

For more information, please call
Woodinville Public Works Department, 425.489.2700, ext 2240

King County Recycling Information


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